Camille Correas
Born in 1994
Lives and works in Paris.
Through olfactory creations, Camille Correas tends to abolish a sensory and social hierarchy. She sees ceramics as a "terrestrial door to the imaginary" and reinvents the dialogue between the work and the viewer, making the latter an active being. Her search for a more inclusive art is based on the desire to appeal to the senses in a total way. As a result, the earth, a palpable surface and support for the phantom volume that is perfume, materializes the passage from the real world to fiction.
Camille Correas has never stopped reinventing her relationship with matter. As a pastry chef and cook for seven years, she began by making it her own by kneading, smelling and tasting it. She discovered its complexity while confronting an environment where hierarchy crushes feelings. Although her need for close collaboration with the senses was rooted in her culinary training, at the age of twenty-three she decided to leave her job as a pastry chef in a palace where she felt dehumanised. In 2016, she entered the Beaux-Arts de Paris and returned to the material. Camille Correas finds there cooking, glazing and the same requirement in the treatment of materials, but this time, she models them in her image. Her practice asserts itself and becomes more political, while the artist discovers a new material, in this case carnal, that of the female body.
Imbued with feminist science fiction, the occult sciences and the orgiastic excess of baroque aesthetics, her works contain a narrative of resistance with feminist implications. The ceramic sculptures, beings with odours and forms that are as seductive as they are threatening, embody this hybridity. By creating olfactory ambiences, Camille Correas creates an intimate atmosphere where art, a familiar territory, expresses itself without imposing a truth.
Crédits photos : Shinta Angelina Lauw